Board Of Directors:
President : Amy Schaaphok
Vice President I: Vallis Goodermote
Vice President II: Molly Zinna
Treasurer: Carrie Minkler
Secretary : Molly Zinna
2019/2020 Coaches
1/2: Matthew & Amy Schaaphok
3/4 Girls: Molly Zinna
3/4 Boys: TBD
5/6 Girls: Matthew & Amy Schaaphok
5/6 Boys: TBD
TVYB welcomes and encourages volunteers to join their mission to create an outstanding and premier educational-athletic organization, for the residents in the Berlin Central School District. There are many volunteer opportunities from coaching, assistant coaching, fundraising, marketing, ref. coordinator, coach coordinator, uniform coordinator, and webmaster. If you are interested in working with the TVYB please email [email protected], join our next meeting, or visit the Volunteer Opportunity page.